Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Blessed are the Merciful...

...For they will be shown mercy. (Matthew 5:7, NIV)

So many times, it is easy for me to see both sides of a issue. And, when someone is accused, it is easy for me to say things like "innocent until proven guilty." This works as long as it doesn't directly affect my family or someone close to me.

How do we show mercy when we have been injured? It isn't easy. God knows. He sees. And if we realize our mistake in placing judgement and ask forgiveness, He shows us mercy.

Showing mercy to another person doesn't mean we absolve them from sin. It is not up to us to do that. It's God's job.

I don't like to hear others condemning another without really knowing a thing about the situation. The media abounds with stories where it is easy to be judgemental. String him up! They should put her behind bars for the rest of her life! What if the accused person would be someone we know or someone in our immediate family? Would we respond with such bitter judgement?

Daily I ask God to forgive me of my sins. He sees me when I don't show mercy to others. But, He forgives me when I ask. And, then I pray for those whom I have accused. If God can be mericiful to me, a sinner, then I must try to be merciful to others.

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