Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dressing to Please God

This morning as I dressed for church, I thought about how much trouble we put into our clothing, makeup, and hair to look pleasing to other people. Today, many people commented on my purple suit and how good I looked. At one time, I might have loved to hear such compliments, but they don't do anything to warm my heart these days. I've learned that God doesn't care what I'm wearing. He doesn't care if my face is void of makeup. He doesn't even care if I took time to style my hair. God sees me as I really am. He looks inside my heart and knows if I'm dressed to please Him.

I suppose I dress to please other people, to blend in, or perhaps to feel a part of the crowd. Too many times, we look at the outer appearance of our friends and acquaintances. We make judgements based on our first impressions.

Instead of looking at the tatoos, the piercings, and spiked hair, black nail polish and lips, we should look into a person's eyes. Only there will we see the reflection of what is inside. Is it a frightened soul, a timid soul crying out for acceptance? Is it someone who has been hurt and hides behind their exterior coverings? God knows. God sees. And God loves all His children. Thank God for that!

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