Wednesday, June 30, 2010

God Came Knocking

When God knocks on the door of your heart and calls you to act, do not turn your back.

Since my retirement, I've found myself avoiding writing time. I find time to write blogs, post on Facebook, but when it comes to working on my manuscript, I've been finding excuses. Yesterday, I carried my laptop outside and started working on a newly developed story idea. When I stopped, I had nineteen pages completed and it felt wonderful. I've been turning my back on God's calling for me to write. Now, with prayer, I'm finding my joy of writing again.

But, God didn't stop there. He has called me to ministry within the church as well. I'm coordinating the publication of our weekly bulletin, coordinating the typing of a revised Church Staff Handbook, visiting with members who are in nursing facilities, crocheting prayer shawls and lap robes, and I'm a member of the Staff Parish Relations committee.

God has blessed my life so many times in recent months. And, He's opened doors to utilize my talents. I may be retired from one job, but I've been called to others.

Have you been listening to God's knock on your heart?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Things to Smile For

Nothing brings a smile to my face quicker than watching children at play. Perhaps it's the memories of once being young and carefree, with an active imagination. I also enjoy watching one of our outdoor feral cats, Molly, as she jumps and plays in the garden outside my office window. My office is on the lower floor of our bi-level, so the garden is at eye level when I'm sitting. She's a calico cat, so she blends perfectly with the pretty orange and yellow cone flowers. There's a beautiful rose bush and a butterfly bush as well. She sits in the garden and waits for the monarch butterflies. It's so fun to see her jumping and cavorting as the butterflies tease by staying just out of her reach. God's paintbrush created my view, and it's worth smiling about.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Joy of Giving

When I was a child, I remember hearing "It is more blessed to give than to receive." I kind of knew what it meant, but I didn't fully appreciate the words until later in life. Now, I make prayer shawls, visit friends who are in hospitals, take friends to therapy, and volunteer for church services. But these are just little token things I'm able to do now that I don't go to work every day. But giving is so much more.

We touch other lives every single day. Sometimes we don't know what impression we've made on another. We might be viewed by a total stranger without our knowledge. What might they remember about us?

In Sunday School, we talked about how we have influenced others to follow Christ. That's a hard question to answer. Most times we won't even know. That got me to thinking about how I might appear to a total stranger as I walk through a grocery store, or pass on a street or in a car. Do they see a joyful person? Or do they see the disgruntled person who is annoyed at having to run another errand? When someone cuts me off, do they see anger? I believe it's the little things that really make the difference. Stopping to let someone into a line of traffic. Allowing the person who has only a few items to purchase move ahead of me in the line. Trying not to judge others by their inconsiderate actions and put things into perspective. I mean, after all, if someone cuts me off, what will that matter in the future? But, if I show anger, call rude names, then I've become even angrier and that remains with me, amping up my reaction to the next affront.

Yeah, I know, easier said than done. But, definitely something to pray for. It all boils down to "it's better to give than to receive." Give a smile instead of a rude gesture. The return will be so much greater.

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

God's Garden

I'm sitting at my desk, after my morning devotionals, and when I looked out my window I was blessed to see two beautiful yellow finches flitting in the butterfly bush. They are so petite and graceful. How can I not smile?

My home office is on the lower level of our bi-level home and right outside my window is a beautiful flower garden filled with roses, coneflowers, a yellow and orange flower (I'll have to ask my hubby what the name is), hostas, and the lovely butterfly bush. God has blessed me with a lovely view. When my office was upstairs, I didn't get to enjoy the garden. Now it's at eye level. Occasionally, one of the outdoor cats walks by and peers in at me.

Sometimes we look for God's blessings in the wrong places. We look for spectacular miracles, when He gives us glimpses of His love every day. My garden is a blessng from God. His hand created the beauty in my garden. Each morning, I look out and see God's face smiling back at me.

It reminds me of the hymn, "I Come to the Garden Alone," one of my favorites. I remember signing this in church as a child, but now the words come to life when I gaze out my window each morning.

I hope you see God's smile today.