Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Satan's Stumbling Blocks

When Jesus was tempted on the mountain, He immediately recognized Satan and saw through his taunts. Even in His weakened state, He remained strong. For us, however, it is harder to recognize Satan. He is sneaky, cunning, and relentless in his quest to take our souls.

Satan's main stumbling blocks for me are self-doubt and fear, which lead to indecision. When praying for answers from God, I have tried to listen, but instead the outside influences of the world around me begin to distract and the voice I hear is that of Satan instead.

For me, pushing aside the self-doubt and fear has been difficult. My saving grace lay in constant prayer, immersing myself in God's word, and allowing Him to enter my heart completely. Faith is such a comfort and joy.

I realize Satan still has a few stumbling blocks for me, but with God all things are possible. I can banish Satan's temptations through the power of the cross.

May God bless you today.

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